
Save On Skil 8202-CL Self-Leveling Line Laser Web Store

you looking for low price Skil 8202-CL Self-Leveling Line Laser?

before decision to buy, I searches on online so long time. So I gathered a web store that sells Skil 8202-CL Self-Leveling Line Laser and compare prices to. Some online shops offers me fast shipping.

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Skil 8202-CL Self-Leveling Line Laser Specification

  • Easy to Use-With one flip of a switch automatically projects horizonal and vertical lines
  • Self-Leveling Technology-For precise leveling and alignment that makes installations and decorating easy
  • Includes Innovative Clamp-Can be mounted on almost anything-tables, cabinet doors, ladders, shelves, poles, etc
  • Ultra Compact Design-2-1/2-Inch cube design with working range up to 15-Feet. Smallest in the market
  • Includes: iLevel, Multi Mount, (2) AA Batteries

Skil 8202-CL Self-Leveling Line Laser Overview

Introducing the iLevel Cross Line Laser by SKIL-The ingenious little line laser that makes home decorating and leveling projects simple and easy.

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