
Best Buy Pacific Laser Systems HVR505 Red Kit PLS-60583 Red Beam Rotary Laser Online Shop

Pacific Laser Systems HVR505 Red Kit PLS-60583 Red Beam Rotary Laser

you looking for cheap Pacific Laser Systems HVR505 Red Kit PLS-60583 Red Beam Rotary Laser?

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Pacific Laser Systems HVR505 Red Kit PLS-60583 Red Beam Rotary Laser
PLS HVR505 R Kit is a fully automatic, dual slope red beam laser. The HVR505 R is self leveling horizontal-vertical with a 500 foot radius (1000 foot circle) outdoor range with a laser detector (included). Accurate to 1/8-Inch per 100 feet. The laser also features a height of instrument (bump alarm) that can be engage to warn the contractor if the laser has been bumped changing the established benchmark The HVR505 R laser is ideal for short to mid range interior and exterior applications. 4 rotation speeds plus 4 sizes of Fan control. Fan is a partial rotation allowing the laser dot to oscillate back and forth just where you need the information. The advantage of the Fan is the laser can be set up and not interfere with other workers in a different location on the jobsite. Dual slope control allows the laser to be manually sloped on 2 plains independently or together for drainage or a sloped ceiling. The HVR505 R Kit includes laser, detector, remote control, ceiling bracket, target card, 2 battery packs (NIMH and alkaline) NIMH battery charger, case, 5-Feet8 X11 tripod, 16 foot grade rod and operation manual.

Pacific Laser Systems HVR505 Red Kit PLS-60583 Red Beam Rotary Laser

  • Fully automatic, self leveling, horizontal and vertical red beam
  • Great for indoors and outdoors
  • 2 battery packs (NIMH and alkaline)
  • Dual slope capable
  • Includes 5-Feet8 X 11 tripod and 16 foot grade rod

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