
Cheap CST/Berger 57-LMH600 Automatic Self Leveling Rotary Laser Only Sale

CST/Berger 57-LMH600 Automatic Self Leveling Rotary Laser Only

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CST/Berger 57-LMH600 Automatic Self Leveling Rotary Laser Only
Includes LMH600 Horizontal / Vertical Dual Beam Rotary Laser - 57-LMH600, Remote, Carrying Case, Instruction Manual

CST/Berger 57-LMH600 Automatic Self Leveling Rotary Laser Only

  • Self leveling
  • Vertical/horizontal
  • 1/16" accuracy 100'
  • Dual beam

CST/Berger 57-LMH600 Automatic Self Leveling Rotary Laser Only
Here's fast, super-accurate, and simple leveling power to work your toughest indoor and outdoor jobs with less manpower. CST's LMH Series levels itself using electronic sensors interfaced with motors, eliminating the need for re-leveling or rechecks. You won't have to bother with manual leveling screws or bubbles; just turn it on and get the job done. Peace of mind is built-in with the Anti-Drift System, which alerts you if there's any change at all in the instrument's position due to tripod settling or even an accidental jostle. Accuracy is priority one, and CST/Berger is a stickler for it, delivering an impressive 1/16-inch accuracy at 100 feet (or 3mm at 30 meters). A low battery indicator warns you when you need new batteries, but that won't happen until you've used the unit for at least 30 hours.--Kris Jensen-Van Heste

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