
Best Cheap KR Tools 68120 Pro Series Self leveling laser level For Sale

you looking for low-priced KR Tools 68120 Pro Series Self leveling laser level?

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KR Tools 68120 Pro Series Self leveling laser level Specification

  • Auto leveling (+/- 6 Degrees) laser cross hairs
  • 3 leg adjustable lightweight tripod with a storage case
  • Horizontal and vertical laser switch on top
  • Lifetime Warranty

KR Tools 68120 Pro Series Self leveling laser level Overview

On the level, even when you aren't. Self - leveling Laser Level, PRICED LOW! Many installations have been thwarted by a bad level line. Here's a Laser Level to stop your next mistake in its tracks. Independently functioning horizontal and vertical beams provide unerring level and plumb lines for your next assignment. And a heavy-duty internal coaxial compensator eliminates error, self-leveling the lasers even if your work surface is off. Ready to work: Leveling accuracy of .02" at 3 ft.; 30 ft. line length at 30 ft. target distance, 90 degree fan angle; 0-32 ft. working range; 8-10 second self-leveling correction speed; Uses 3 AA batteries (not included); 17-49" adjustable tripod with built-in bubble level and crank column; Adjustable level base with degrees gauge and dual levels; All stores in included blow-molded storage case. Measures 20 x 9 x 5"d. Weighs 6 lbs. Get going! Order your Laser Level today! Self-leveling Laser Level

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