
Buy David White 48-M4PB 4-Beam Self Leveling Laser Online Shop

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David White 48-M4PB 4-Beam Self Leveling Laser Specification

  • UP accuracy of 1/8" @ 50ft, and Down accuracy of 1/4" @ 50ft.
  • 100' working range depending on illumination.
  • 630-670nm Laser Diode for bright, clear beam.
  • Magnetically Damped Self-leveling to +/- 5 Degrees

David White 48-M4PB 4-Beam Self Leveling Laser Overview

This David White self-leveling 4-beam laser plumb bob creates an accurate, highly visible up and down plumb reference with front and side view 90deg reference beams at the touch of a button. Ideal for stud, conduit and plumbing alignment, and transferring points from floor to ceiling. Beam Type: Point to point, Leveling Type: Self leveling (pendulum), Beam (qty.): 4, Accuracy: 1/8-in @ 50, Laser Beam Color: Red, Laser Wavelength: 635-670nm, Interior Range (ft.): Up to 100, Self Leveling Range: +/- 5, Visual or Audible Indicator: Visible, Base Type: Magnetic, Mount Type: Magnetic, Battery Type: AA, Battery Included: Yes, Battery Life: Up to 60 hours, Class Rating: Class 2M/3R, Dimensions L x W x H (in.): 5 x 5 x 8, Case Included: Yes

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