
you looking for cheaper Factory-Reconditioned Ryobi ZRELL0001 AIRgrip Laser Level?

Save On Factory-Reconditioned Ryobi ZRELL0001 AIRgrip Laser Level Store

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Factory-Reconditioned Ryobi ZRELL0001 AIRgrip Laser Level Overview

AIRGRIP vacuum base holds level in place without damaging the surface. Includes laser level, padded/zippered case, multi-function base, hook and loop strap, 2 push pins, and batteries. Factory Reconditioned with a 1 Year Factory Warranty

Factory-Reconditioned Ryobi ZRELL0001 AIRgrip Laser Level Specification

  • Exclusive non-marring vacuum base
  • Tripod capable with multifunction base
  • Laser lens rotates 90-degrees
  • Laser head rotates 360-degrees
  • Includes padded/zippered case, multifunction base with tripod capability, Velcro strap, and rough surface adaptor

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